A business coach helps Find Business Coach Tulsa entrepreneurs expand their business and re-directs them on a better path toward success. Most people prefer business coaches with years of experience – someone who is willing to dig deep in order to find the right solution. That, my friends, is Clay Staires. With about 30 years of experience in leadership and in business, Staires is highly successful and runs multiple successful businesses himself. Today, I will go more in-depth about why I think you should choose Clay Staires as your business coach.
Throughout Clay Staires career, he has been featured on multiple Find Business Coach Tulsa news outlets (such as FOX, ABC, and CBS) and in numerous publications. Nowadays, Clay is so successful that he gets to travel the country and speaks to thousands of people inspiring them to make a change. This large group includes teenagers and adults. Clay teaches many self-development tips including leadership development, how to manage the highs and lows of life, and business tips that will help it succeed. Due to his successful seminars, Clay Staires was named the number one motivational speaker in Oklahoma, his original hometown being Skiatook. Clay created a company called The Leadership Initiative and with that, he utilizes different programs so that clients will have an opportunity for growth.
Clay was not always successful – he was homeless working as a school teacher in his early 30s. Every decision he made that year is what made him go from homelessness to making millions. Every decision he makes currently regarding his businesses is what paves the way for its success. Clay was awarded Find Business Coach Tulsa teacher and coach of the year in 2012 and also given the “2012 Chamber Citizen of the Year” located in Skiatook. Due to his success, he has been named America’s Millionaire Schoolteacher. What makes Clay the best business coach? with the experience, testimonies, and many awards, he simply cannot be beat. You still may ask, what is different about Staires?
What makes Staires different is that he utilizes creativity in his seminars and workshops with powerpoint presentations so that it is continuously engaging the audience and keeping them on their toes. He makes it to where the audience feels included and can interact with PowerPoint. Staires is known to have a humerus attitude and comes off easy to talk too – which many praises of him. Staires also has executive experience as he spent 10 years at Shepard’s old ranch creating a culture of leadership. An important quote regarding business ventures ,”Share the load of success” (Clay Staries).
If you are interested in having a business coach, call our company at 918-798-0852 so we can get you in touch with an awesome business coach. You can also go to claystaires.com and sign up for a free one-hour business consultation. After signing up, you will receive a free self-development book titled, “The Field Guide to Growth”. On the website, you are able to see an overview of the different seminars and workshops that we provide,including the pricing.