Professional development training Tulsa | Becoming Fast Friends

This content was written for the leadership initiative.

You will be surrounded by like-minded individuals Millionaires and billionaires entrepreneurs and investors as well as successful authors when you choose to go down the path with professional development training Tulsa training. 918-798-0852 and It really is a valuable tool for any business owner would have in their tool belt order tool box. We help businesses both small and large and start-up businesses and businesses who have been in business for several decades. If you fit any of those requirements and maybe you’re feeling that you’re running yourself into the ground or just running in circles trying to make things work or maybe you’re a business owner and you are just tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck and just barely getting by because you can’t not seem to find employees or the employees that you do have just simply not want to show up to work because they are not actually great employees.

If that’s the case then call us today and we’ll dub to set up a free consultation with you to talk with clay and find out if this is the best fit for you. You should know that this call is free there is no obligation for you to commit to anything. Of course our service or business Consulting service is month-to-month there is no contract so you do not have to give away your first child or give us your DNA as payment and it really is not a program that is for neurosurgeons are rocket scientist. We work with small and pop shops and even franchises like Chick-fil-A. At clay has shared the stage with numerous successful motivational speakers and businessmen people over the years.

And now he is taking the majority of his time rather than traveling across the United States actually beginning to work with business owners like yourself here at the leadership initiative. He co-founded and is the CEO chief executive officer at the leadership initiatives as well as 5 other successful businesses in Oklahoma. On average we have helped our clients grow as of 2019 grow an average of 104% while helping them keep control of their business at the same time without flying off the handle.

They have gotten a lot of success or a lot of gross and a few months or a year but that has not allowed them to go crazy or to be disorganized. We have a proven path and proven system that is designed to help you increase your leads increase your cash will get make sure that that all is getting fat and your checking account for your bank is going up as well as helping you control your time and what we mean by that is creating better time management for you and allowing you as the business owner to begin delegating things and the companies like those small day today operational things in your company rather than you having to fill up your plate with unnecessary things that someone else on your team could do. and that you as a business owner can then begin concentrating on helping grow your company by working on your business rather than having you concentrate on having to work in the business all the time.

And that sounds familiar if you’re constantly having to put out the daily fires in your company raise your hand. You Are Not Alone. That’s something that we helped business owners with it’s just a matter it is just a matter of whether or not you see the value in it or not. That’s why we highly suggest you go to our website and find out more information about us. And play stairs he is a one who is surrounds himself who is surrounded by successful people and and investors and authors and speakers so that he can get more valuable information help to better himself and his business. Call 918-798-0852 and also follow us online and social media And the first stepping stone to being surrounded by successful people who are experiencing time for him in Financial Freedom is calling us about professional development training Tulsa training.

Professional development training Tulsa | business training

This content was written for the leadership initiative.

Business training for the ones who are suffering from bad time management horrible employees little cash flow and little leaves by simply calling 918-798-0852 and you can be on the road to Better Business and to a better personalized when you fall in line and take on the systems that Cloisters the owner and founder of the leadership initiative gives you through the professional development training Tulsa program. It really is a one-of-a-kind program you just have to have to go to wear while online to To get some free downloadable resources as well as watch client testimonials by video and read our reviews online to get a view or an idea of what business Consulting with Clay stairs and Leadership initiative would be like. It really is business training for businesses of Allstate stages and no matter how long you’ve been in business it does not really matter it does not matter how old you are.

If you’re still open to learning and having growth in your company and you want to see your legacy continue while after you’ve may be retired from working then this is the place to start. We are a stepping stone to get you time frame and Financial Freedom. I do not know or nor have I met a business owner who does not want those two things. If your business owner and maybe feel that you are drifting or your business owner who would you have a business but it is just you and the business and you don’t have to do not have any employees then maybe this is something for you and maybe you’re just a little skeptical skeptical about things like this while I can assure you that we have worked with businesses that only have an owner and no employees and we have actually been able to help them have more time.

For them in Financial Freedom by allowing them to hire employees to take on a majority of the work so that newest a business owner can rake in the cash while not having to do every little thing in your company and running around like a chicken with your head cut off. We are looking to reach out to small business owners or even large corporations who might have C value and business coaching and business Consulting. We’re looking to discover if there’s anything that we can do to help you gain more control over your time your employees and revenues.

Mainly I would if I could describe business coaching and just a sentence it would be that we helped business owners that are frustrated or overwhelmed with their company for example they want more leaves more cash flow more time that our employees or maybe they just want better structure in their company so that they can begin just delegating the little things but they are not sure how to get there. If any of those that I just said sound familiar then this is probably the best route for you. Are there areas of your business where you feel stuck?

Do you feel tired when you wake up to starting her a whole new day or you struggling to get up and actually back to back to work no of distresses and anxieties that are waiting for you. Are you constantly going to bed just thinking about what the next day and the next day what are going to happen in your company? It does not have to be like that. Business does not have to be stressful or it does not have to take every single minute of your time if you’re simply just call 918-798-0852 or go online to research clay stairs and Leadership initiatives go to our website Can also call us directly to set up a consultation with Clay over the phone 918-798-0852 talk more about how we could possibly help your business and more information regarding me professional development training Tulsa program.

Clay Staires