Professional Development Training Tulsa | Block It Out

This content was written for The Leadership Initiative. 

Does your life like chaos? If this is the case, then you are going to want to attend the professional development training Tulsa that is going to be run by Clay Staires and his wonderful team at The Leadership Initiative. This training is going to be taking place here, and also Oklahoma. This training is going to be essential to anyone who is willing to get organized and be successful. Go online and find out more about Clay, his team, and more about this training when you go to You can also get into contact with them via the telephone by calling 918780852.

When we talk about calendar tracking or even just using a calendar in general, this is quite revolutionary for many people. Most people prefer to use their phone to help “get them along through the day“ that you and I both know that 80% of Americans are distracted if you’re ever wanting to be successful or get things done in the day, then you’re going to need to use the counter that you print off and is on a piece paper because that is how you will stay focused. The difference between you staying focused and being successful is your phone.

Clay Staires and his team are going to be helping you create a calendar that helps you tracking your day today. Going to be tracking from the time that you wake up till the time you go to bed. The power of the calendars at it helps be your driver, or it helps direct, your day. If you don’t know what you need to get done during the day, then your day will just happen. If you want to be successful, then you have to have a day planner or calendar that is telling you where I need to be and at what time.

Implementing the calendar into your daily schedule is going to be a game changer for your production. If you are someone who is running around putting out fires all day, this is going to help you get more organized and schedule when you put out fires are versus they just come to you and you always have to be putting them out. The professional development training Tulsa is going to be focusing this winter on how to put your calendar together so that you stay organized. This may sound some home, but it will be a game changer for you and your success.

Sign up for the professional development training Tulsa you’re going to need to go online or give Clay Staires and The Leadership Initiative team 
a call. You can get into contact with Clay and his team when you dial 918-798-0852 or you can go online to When you go online you will have the ability to access more information about this training that clean his team will be leading. You’ll be able to see the itinerary, the agenda, and what the different topics will be. You also be able to learn more about Clay and his team by checking out the meet our team page.

Professional Development Training Tulsa | Time Freedom

This content was written for The Leadership Initiative. 

Are you trying to find more time to get more done a day? Look no further than attending the professional development training Tulsa with Clay Staires and The Leadership Initiative. This training is going to be focused on how to help you, the business owner or even the manager of a company, how to get more time and financial freedom as a whole. You can check out more on this team when you go to www.Clay Staires account or you can call 918-798-0852.

When it comes to getting time and financial freedom, the first thing that you want to focus on his where is your time going? You’re going to need to evaluate what your daily life looks like from morning until night. You’re going to want to put print off a calendar off of Google that you can fill-in from the time that you wake up to the time they go to bed. If you’re unable to markdown things that you’re doing on a regular basis, then this is where we began. We are going to want to find where we can put rocks in your schedule, also known as items, that will repeat on a weekly basis, for you to have.

Examples of having rocks, I would be having a team meeting every week, doing training with your team, and also having a morning routine. When you turn the professional development training Tulsa clean his team will be walking over what it is to have “a rock” in your calendar. I will give you great examples and great things that you can actually put into your calendar before you even leave the whole training. These rocks are going to be very helpful when it helps comes to getting you organized. If you do not know where your time is going, and then you have no idea where you are going.

Seeing a better way of how to be more diligent with your time is going to be a game changer for you as a business owner. The whole purpose of the professional development training Tulsa is to help people like you get in reach her goals that you have. First, we have to then if I want your goals are and then second, we have to create a plan of how we’re going to get you there. The best way that we know how to do this is to evaluate what your day today life looks like. If we are wanting to add a new routine And, then we’re going to have to figure out where we are either going to take time away or it could potentially mean that you’re having to get up earlier.

Getting the time freedom that you desire is going to come with the cost. The cost of getting organized and letting go of ways that you have been doing things. Clay Staires and The Leadership Initiative team will be guiding you through how to do all of this when you attend the professional development training Tulsa this winter. You can go online to or call 918-798-0852 to get a hold and reserve your seats. Whichever way you go about it, just make a decision today and get your seats.

Clay Staires