Tulsa Management Training | Transparent Integrity
This content was written for The Leadership Initiative
Regardless of which category your business or organization falls into, they would greatly benefit from focused and individualized Tulsa Management Training. The Leadership Initiative, run by the one and only Clay Staires, teaches everything that your team needs to know to smash through goals, to keep morale high, and to blow past any previous expectations. Are you Billy, one of the most important aspects of any work environment his integrity, Second only to working with purpose. Most people understand how important this is, but unfortunately too few put it into practice within every single aspect of their company.
There are three commonly accepted forms of integrity that we bear witness to throughout our lives. According to Dan Coughlin these are internal integrity, external integrity, and image integrity. Internal integrity can best be defined as the truthfulness is deeply seated with it. It’s the difference of whether or not you try to look like you have integrity, or if you make it a part of every aspect of your life. Internal integrity is the ability to do what is right regardless if anyone else is paying attention. You might even consider it your core moral compass.
The Leadership Initiative teaches all these aspects anymore in their Tulsa Management Training program. The next form of integrity is external integrity. As the name suggests this is the integrity that you show to everyone around you, what the World see. Free able to have high external integrity win your actions are similar to what you say and what you think. If you were the type of person that has trouble doing what they say they’re going to do you are someone that needs to work on their external integrity.
The third type of integrity is very similar in most aspects to the external integrity I just described. While you might be showing others that you do the right thing and that you were on the right course of action, can your decisions be looked at in any other light? Are you leaving your image up for interpretation? Could it be assumed that you have some sort of ulterior motives? It’s important to take all this and more in the consideration throughout every aspect of business and your daily life. If you focus on your internal, external, and image integrity day today you will become a more trustworthy an transparent individual.
Both employees and employers sincerely appreciate integrity and transparency. In a world that is constantly placed with false advertising, broken promises, and money grabbing scams it is important that you set yourself apart that the people know if they can trust you. Clay Staires at The Leadership Initiative teaches these principles as well as many others during his Tulsa Management Training program. You can learn all about it today if you give him a call today at 918-798-0852. You can also check him out online at www.claystaires.com.
Tulsa Management Training | Preparing for Greatness
This content was written for The Leadership Initiative
A new generation of employees is preparing themselves to be great leaders through Tulsa Management Training at The Leadership Initiative. It’s really doesn’t matter whether not you’ve been a manager for a decade or two, or if you’re brand-new to the workforce. Any individual is with their proper instruction and education. For you and your organization it all starts with a structured instructional program like the one Clay Stairs has to offer through his company. And for today’s generation it starts with unlocking loyalty within your employees in order for them to become the managers you’re Company needs.
For far too many people in this generation, they lack the proper skills needed to lead a great team. And you can’t expect a non-structured learning environment to provide the skills that they need to succeed. The training program offered by The Leadership Initiative is first class in that it helps Bring everyone up to speed with the skills they need to succeed. This could be a variety of things depending on person. The only real way to find out is to spend time with the individual one-on-one and to structure a tailored Learning experience for them.
One key aspect that a lot of Tulsa Management Training programs don’t take into consideration, is how much personal development is needed before most people are ready to lead a team. Just about anybody can bark orders, and a lot of people can do so in a way that will get results. People want to get paid after all, and are there Turner paycheck. But the goal at The Leadership Initiative is to reshape the mindset from thinking it’s just a paycheck entering it into something more. Something with purpose, that everyone in your organization can feel proud of.
The best leaders are those that are humble and inspire those around them by their own actions. Everyone knows that actions speak louder than words. And for anybody in a position of authority or management, in a company, this is incredibly important. Some might even say it’s what separates a good manager from a great manager. Spend an email or time on the web looking at the skills needed to be an effective leader and you will find plenty of articles this is just the same thing. There are so many quotes from the world’s greatest leaders that suggests it is far greater to lead by example to motivate by your own actions, that is to bark orders to anybody at your company.
The Leadership Initiative has an incredible Tulsa Management Training curriculum that will help your Organization propel itself into the new year. If you want to watch your sales teams break records, you want to give Clay Stares a call today at 918 798-0852. Everyone within your company will thank you, as they will be grateful to have a clear path and direction to head in. Visit The Leadership Initiative today at www.ClayStaires.com.