Tulsa Management Training | True Business Management
This Content was written for The Leadership Initiative

If you’re looking for some awesome Tulsa management training look no further than Mr. Clay Staires, America’s millionaire schoolteacher, serial entrepreneur and founder of the leadership initiative then you should definitely give him a call at 918-798-0852. Clay Staires, as the owner of the leadership initiative has a vision and that vision drives everything that he does. He wants to set people free. He wants to offer you true business management. Strenghten your ability to manage your growing business.

If you were to give us a call today here at the leadership initiative at 918-798-0852 you will be able to schedule a free 30 minute business consultation with Clay Staires a businessman who knows all about Tulsa management training. One of the major benefits you are going to find out is that we have here at the leadership initiative if you go ahead and schedule that appointment is the staires steps to freedom. Staires steps to freedom are going to guide you through the purpose the reason why you have started and are running your company and how that’s going to relate to how you manage your business.

Another huge benefit to getting your Tulsa business coach at the leadership initiative is the stairs steps to freedom segment on the what. The what is basically the tasks it’s the work it’s what people mean when they talk about working in the business rather than on the business.. It is the trap that business owners get stuck in and you definitely are going to be able to avoid this trap from working with the leadership initiative and Clay Staires. Clay Staires has some unique qualities he has very high energy and he’s gonna be able to use that energy and his relevant knowledge it comes to business and finance to to engage you and get you turned around in your life and your business. Clay offers true business management all you have to do is hear what he has to say by booking a thirty minute consultation with him.
Clay has a system that transfroms leaders, it is called the Staires steps to freedom. It will help set you free when it comes to time, money and flexiblity in your business and in your life is the multiple levels from which you can experience a great Tulsa business coach here at the leadership initiative.

We have a turnkey level where we provide pretty much everything you would ever need in a sales and marketing department here at the leadership initiative we also provide executive coaching where we walk you through the emotional and mental barriers of running and managing or even starting a successful business. Clay Staires will not let you down, he has experience with clients from all industries. And he knows what he is talking about when it comes to entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and investors. To pick up the phone, I’m not kidding seriously, call Clay Staires right this very minute. The phone number is 918-798-0852. Tulsa management training will change your life and how you do business.

Tulsa Management Training | A Big Stress Ball
This content was written for The Leadership Initiative.

It’s pretty clear that most business owners in need a Tulsa management training because a majority of the them are a big stress ball. When you consider that seventy percent of small businesses fail it makes the need of having a Tulsa business trainer that much more important. Most business owners are just going in circle because they do not know how to the many problems they are having trying to manage a company. If you want to more about what Clay Staires has to offer when it comes to coaching and training call 918-798-0852. If you are currently feeling like a big stress ball it is probably a good idea to call as soon as possible.

If you go to www.ClayStaires.com and click on the big red button on the homepage you can sign up for a free thirty minute consultation with Clay Staires. Clay’s going to tell you about his mission to lead entrepreneurs through the proven steps that will allow them to create fliexibility and freedom in their lives and he is going to introduce you to the staires steps to freedom. As a Tulsa management training know it all, Clay Staires is highly experienced. He has over 15 years of teaching experience. He has over 15 years of coaching experience. He’s taught private and public schools.

He has had a wide variety of clients from many different industries. This is one of the reasons why you should highly consider him as a management trainer. He can help you to stop entangling yourself in your business and start truly living. Aside from his energetic personality Clay has several unique qualities. His energy is outrageously engaging, his information and content are relevant no matter how long you have been a business owner, and he is focused on personal growth. He does not compromise production, he promotes a team atmosphere, and does it all with a high level of contagious energy.

In case that’s not enough for you were to provide you with options. You can come in as a turnkey growth solutions client whereby you will be provided with an entire marketing and sales department for less than the cost to employ a Starbucks Paris stun your business yet you will have over $25,000 worth of value at your fingertips each and every month. You could also come in as an executive coaching client. At this level you don’t get all the benefits of the turnkey growth consulting however you do get the critical coaching to help you navigate the emotional and mental barriers that obstruct your success. If you’re not level ready for those levels yet you’re going to want to check out our workshops on sales, marketing, human resources, management, public relations, leadership, and many more. Clay Staires is a Tulsa business leader that can bring the freedom to any business owner.

Stop being a big stress ball. Climb the ladder of success and follow the proven path to financial and time freedom. Get with a Tulsa management training specialist, Clay Staires is the best choice, and start learning how to do just that. We have multiple levels to come in at, many years of experience to go on, and the proven path that you need laid out right before you with the stairs steps to freedom. So don’t hold off another day pick up the phone right now and call 918-798-0852, schedule that consultation, and change your life today.

Clay Staires