Money Mindset Workshop Series


Event Date:
Saturday, September 12th, 9am to 3pm (lunch on your own)

Event Venue:
(Impact Productions Building)
3939 S. Harvard, Tulsa, OK

$55   Register here



Money Mindset Workshop Series Introduction

Most People NEVER Become As Financially Successful As They Are Capable Of And Go Through Life Never Knowing Why.

76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
(, 2013)

You see it all the time. People spend their time complaining about how hard they have to work to just get by while the rich seem to have it so easy. Or why the government isn’t doing enough to help them. Or why their paycheck isn’t keeping up with rising costs of living. Or why they can’t seem to get a decent job that pays them what they feel they’re worth.

But, unfortunately, they’re all asking the wrong questions…

Instead of asking why life is the way it is, isn’t it better for you to ask HOW YOU CAN CHANGE your financial future and actually BE one of those people who ARE financially successful?

The Next Steps Money Mindset Workshop Series

Join us Saturday, September 12th from 9am to 3pm for Session #3 of a workshop that will bring you the clarity that you have been looking for on your financial future!

In Session #2 we discovered your Break Even and Break Free numbers:
Break Even # what you need to have to pay your expenses every month of the year.
Break Free #1 Break Free From Living Paycheck to Paycheck!!
Break Free #2 Break Free From The Pressure Of Your Family Being Safe If Something Happens To You.
Break Free #3 Break Free From Being Forced To Work To Have Money.



(Sessions 1 & 2 are NOT REQUIRED)


In this particular workshop you will learn…

  1. The Value of Setting Goals
  2. The Importance of Knowing Where Your Money Is Going
  4. How to implement this successful plan to get you to your Break Free Numbers QUICKER!!

From this workshop you will walk away with…

  1. A clear, measurable and manageable financial goal for your next season
  2. A completed worksheet that helps you to easily design and manipulate your monthly Financial Break Free Plan
  3. A completed worksheet that shows you how to reach your Break Free Numbers Quicker
  4. BONUS TAKEAWAY: A simple “Next Steps” Strategy to get you to your Break Free Numbers as soon as possible

What is the purpose of achieving your Break Free Numbers?
“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children!” Ancient Proverb

It is your MONEY MINDSET that determines if you’ll be struggling your entire life to scrape by or if you attract wealth to yourselves.

Unfortunately, you may be stuck with this mindset for the rest of your life UNLESS you change it!

That’s what you’ll learn to do at the Money Mindset Workshop Series. In this life-changing series, we will show you how to reset your money mindset thermostat for extraordinary success!

By applying the TESTED and PROVEN strategies we have shared with hundreds of people from around the world, you can start to get the RESULTS you want in YOUR financial life.

Don’t just take our word for it. BE THERE and experience it for yourself.

– Are there a limited number of seats? Yes (24 is the cut off!)


Clay Staires