How To Know If You Will Meet Your Goals?

Ready Set Goal

“A Plan For Meeting Goals” Survey


Name _______________________________ Company ________________________________


On a scale from 1-10 (10 being highest), how would you rate yourself according to each of the phrases?  You must have a plan WITH SUPPORT!  This is what that looks like:

1.  I have specific, measurable, big picture goals in place that I refer to once a week.


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2.  These goals are written down and posted in an obvious place for me.


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3.  I have a specific written “Timeline Of Change” that guides my daily work.


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4.  I have a “Goal Map” that tells me when I need to do what to reach my big picture goals.


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5.  I have written Expectations Of Progress to help guide my emotional journey of growth.


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6.  I have a written list of Obstacles that I anticipate getting in the way of me achieving my goals.


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7.  I have a written plan in place to overcome any Obstacle that comes up.


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8.  I have a Strategic Timeline Of Recognition and Encouragement to energize the journey and recognize/celebrate achievements.


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9.  I have a “Proven List of Resources” to TRAIN MY BRAIN on an ongoing basis.


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10. I read at least one “Development Book” each month in an area where I want to improve and see change.


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11. I utilize my PhD (pigheaded determination) to successfully Manage My Time every day.


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12. I have a Qualified Mentor (A Yoda, Gandalf, Morpheus, Mr. Miyagi type of person) in my life that is Leading Me each week by giving me new perspectives and challenging homework.


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What do you do with the results of this survey?  Well, there are two ways to look at this survey.  One, where are your numbers low?  Those low areas are where you need to put ACTION into place to ensure success in meeting your goals.  Two, you can tally up all your scores and find the average.  This “average score” will let you know how PREPARED you are to successfully meet your goals.  “Desire” is only the beginning of setting a goal.  You must add action.

“Vision without Action is Hallucination.”  Albert Einstein 

So, what now?  I have found through coaching hundreds of clients that Setting Goals is so much more that just writing things down on paper.  There are huge EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL LAND MINES to navigate on the way to achieving your goals.  That’s why there are so many “support areas” mentioned in this survey.  As I moved from being a classroom teacher to being a corporate executive I had to navigate all these land mines!  As I moved from the security of a salary to the freedom (and freak out) of owning my own business as an entrepreneur, I had to navigate all these land mines in a completely new arena.  I’ve been through this season of transition and I made it to the other side successfully MORE THAN ONE TIME.  I kept track of the path and I can help you get across safely and successfully as well!  If you’re stuck, let’s start the conversation.  Your success could start today!

Below are some links to the research that supports the value of each of the above questions.


Clay Staires