Gen Y

What Tools Are Needed To Position Your Self For Wealth?

What Are The Tools You Need To Position Yourself For Wealth? This articles was written by Clay Staires of The Leadership Initiative The majority of people in this world want wealth, that’s no secret. The funny thing is, no matter how many people desire this, the ratio...

5 Tips To Making Any Decision About Your Future

5 Things To Consider When Making Any Decision About Your Future! Making big decisions about your future can be extremely stressful. There can be so many unknowns that cause us to become a “deer in the headlights” and feel paralyzed by the pressure. Some people refer...

Use Your Current Job To Pay Off College Debt Fast

Five Ways To Leverage Your Current Job For Maximum Payoff In the Future This article was written by Clay Staires, Tulsa Leadership Trainer, Motivational Speaker & Founder of Tulsa’s #1 Leadership Program, The Leadership Initiative. Most college students pursue a...

3 Reasons Why College Grads Aren’t Hireable

University Graduates Lack Basic Skills for the Marketplace This article was written by Clay Staires, Tulsa Leadership Trainer, Motivational Speaker & Founder of Tulsa’s #1 Leadership Program, The Leadership Initiative. I just got this email from a friend. It’s...
Clay Staires